So, you've already spotted the broken Super Combine on your FarmVille English Countryside, but even after you repair it (check out our guide), do you really want to leave this fantastic three-in-one farm vehicle only capable of farming a 2x2 square area of land?
If not, you'll need to build a Garage, and luckily for you, a themed Garage has been released in the new English Countryside market. However, just like the Super Combine itself, it comes in a state of complete disrepair, and you'll need to rebuild it. Unlike the Super Combine, which was placed on your new farm by default, this is a building that must be purchased, even in its sorry state. The Garage Frame costs 50,000 coins to purchase from the store.
Meet us behind the break for a look at how to rebuild this vehicle storage building.
Once you purchase the frame, you'll have a building on your farm like the one in the image at the top of this post. To make the garage whole again (that is, make it functional), you'll need to collect a series of building parts - 10 each of Nails, Wooden Boards, and Bricks. Technically, you'll only need to collect 29 parts, as a Brick has been given to you for free.
If you didn't save up these 29 building ingredients in preparation for the launch of the English Countryside, or you've already used all of your saved parts on another building, here's a reminder of where you can find more.
- Click on the "Ask for More" button under any ingredient and send out individual requests for ingredients
- Purchase them from the store for 1 Farm Cash each
- Open Special Delivery Boxes which should give you the parts you need
- Ask your friends to send you these items from the game's free gifts page
- Look out for wall posts from friends that have completed building either their own Garage or other structures as they offer free building materials.
Building a Garage is the only way you'll be able to upgrade your Super Combine, or any other vehicles you may purchase in the future. It comes with a starting capacity of 20 Vehicles, and as of this writing, can't be expanded to hold more. However, unless you simply like to collect excess vehicles because of the way they look, the Super Combine is all you will ever need in terms of pure function.
Check out the rest of our English Countryside coverage right here.
Have you built a Garage on your second farm in the English Countryside? What do you think of the look of it?
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