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Sunday, January 8, 2012

FrontierVille Groundhog Day Goals: Everything you need to know

Unfortunately, we doubt Bill Murray will be making an appearance in FrontierVille this Groundhog Day, so a shiny new set of Goals will have to do. Zynga has decided to celebrate arguably the dumbest holiday ever imagined. It's only fitting that a series of equally lighthearted (and unrealistic) Goals be thrown into the mix as well as yet another building. Don't worry, it's tiny.

You'll first hear word of the Groundhog invasion upon logging into the game. But only after going to the Market and purchasing a Groundhog Trap for 2,000 coins will the first Goal in the series, "Half Your Hay," reveal itself.

Join us behind the break for a detailed guide on how to get through these new Goals.
Half your Hay
The first Goal, you'll have to buy the Groundhog Trap. Since buying the trap actually unlocks this Goal, consider that requirement finished. Second, you must 20 of your own Cows, which take a while if you don't own at least that amount. (You can only feed a Cow every 10 hours.) Finally, harvest 20 Wheat and this Goal will be complete. It's too bad that Wheat takes a whole 24 to grow. Enjoy 300 XP and 100 Food for completing this Goal. And don't waste the Food, because you'll need it...

Finish your Groundhog Trap

Groundhog TrapNow, the second Goal in the series, titled "Protecting the Food Supply," ups the ante with a 500 Food requirement. You better start feeding those neighbors' animals. Next, you'll have to finish the Groundhog Trap. After a single whack, you must collect five of each of these items from your friends: Tin Sheets, Screws, Baits, Sticks, Groundhog Trap Ropes and Crate Boxes. Then, you'll also need to ask your friends for 10 Groundhog Decoys. And because you're only given so many requests daily, we'd recommend throwing these items on the Wish List. For finishing this Goal, you will be rewarded with 400 XP and 1,000 coins.

It's time to make use of this elaborate trap in the third Goal. First, trap five Groundhogs using the Groundhog Trap. Then, harvest 10 of your friends' crops and finally, collect a single Umbrella. You can find the Umbrella in the brand new Spring Collection. Complete this Goal and enjoy 500 XP and Frontier Fred. Whoever that is. (This series just launched today, so the details aren't 100 percent available yet.)

For the final Goal, you will be doing more of the same, really. Collect 15 more Groundhog Decoys from your friends, harvest 30 more Wheat (which will cost 10,950 coins) and trap 10 more Groundhogs using your new Trap. Finally finish this set Goals for 600 XP and Frontier Phil. And a lot of groundhog fritters.

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